Tech Whims


张晓龙 / 2023-06-12

由于我本身处于在线教育领域,一直关注 chatGPT 在教育领域、大数据领域的应用,特别是在AI 老师方面。

最近我看到的两个事件,让我意识到 AI 已经在改变教育方式以及能够提供个性化学习。

第一个事情是 “AI 当自己的老师:ChatGPT is saving my life”。该文章的主人公面临财务危机,唯一能够改善财务状况的就是拿到学位。但是由于在早期没有好好学习,现在集中攻坚需要额外的学习费用,但是这个费用承担不起。他使用 20 美元一个月的 chatGPT 作为自己的私人老师教自己,其中 有机化学科目由去年的4/30,考到了23 分(满分 30),普通化学 在前年 9/30,现在考到了25 分(满分 30)。这些分数是在非常紧迫的时间内通过和 chatGPT 学习取得的,主人公确信能够通过学位考试。

第二个事情是“韩国教育部宣布,从2025年开始将AI赋能的数字教科书引入中小学课堂”。韩国的教培业务一直走在世界的前列,很多机构也是国内机构的标杆,比如Megastudy。韩国教育部最近宣布,从2025年开始将AI赋能的数字教科书引入中小学课堂小学三、四年级,初一和高一学生将用上数学、英语和信息技术AI教科书 对于学习进度比较慢的学生,“AI数字教科书”将会推荐一些较为基础的任务,面对学习能力较强的学生,则会展开课题讨论、短文撰写等项目

通过 chatGPT 在学习上应用的例子越来越多,针对教培机构来说,教育方式的改变,以及个性化学习是未来的大趋势。


  1. 个性化的学习解决方案是永远的产品核心
  2. 教培行业AI技术的应用会非常快,更容易实现个性化学习和商业盈利的平衡


ChatGPT is saving my life

  1. ChatGPT is saving my life ,源:

ChatGPT is saving my life

2、AI digital textbooks to be introduced in schools from 2025,新闻源:

AI digital textbooks to be introduced in schools from 2025(All News 16:25 June 08, 2023)

SEOUL, June 8 (Yonhap) – Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered digital textbooks will be introduced in local elementary and secondary schools, beginning in 2025, in response to the growing need for varied learning content, the Ministry of Education said Thursday.

AI digital textbooks have been pushed as part of the government’s digital education innovation to offer diverse learning content through expanded virtual world (metaverse) and interactive AI technologies. The use of digital textbooks is also expected to make possible customized learning for individual students at different learning levels, the ministry said. A file photo of a digital textbook on display at an education fair in Seoul in September 2022 (Yonhap) A file photo of a digital textbook on display at an education fair in Seoul in September 2022 (Yonhap)

The ministry said third- and fourth-grade elementary school students, and middle and high school freshmen will be the first beneficiaries of the digitally customized textbooks to be initially used for mathematics, English and informatics from 2025.

In 2026, digital textbooks will be additionally available for fifth and sixth graders in elementary schools and middle school second graders, while four more subjects – Korean language, social studies, science and technology, and home economics – will undergo a digital transformation. The following year, middle school third graders will be offered digital textbooks.

By subject, digital textbooks will be additionally introduced in history in 2027, and high schools’ common Korean language, social studies, science and Korean history in 2028, the ministry noted.

In other words, digital textbooks will be applied to all subjects from 2028, except for activity-based ones, such as music, art and physical education, and ethics, where face-to-face education is important for humanity cultivation.

By grade, elementary school first and second graders will be excluded from the use of digital textbooks, as they are deemed too young to come into contact with digital devices.

The ministry said AI digital textbooks will be capable of recommending basic learning tasks, such as understanding of basic concepts, for “slow learners” and in-depth learning tasks, such as discussions and essay writing, for “fast learners.”

It also noted the introduction of digital textbooks does not mean the disappearance of paper textbooks from schools.

“Paper and digital textbooks will be used together in schools for the time being until all students, parents and teachers will be able to skillfully use AI digital textbooks and achieve the desired educational effects,” a ministry official said.

[email protected]



名为Mr. Ranedeer(驯鹿先生)的AI导师项目,它可以利用GPT-4模型成为一个个性化的导师。


Mr. Ranedeer

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